Whiny Little Girls Need to Shut Up and Take Up Jiu Jitsu

Jiu Jitsu’s actually a little touchy feely for my tastes, but the move featured in the linked video seems apropos.

Why?  Never mind that, because OMGoddnessGracious, DID YOU HEAR that the NYPD told women they can’t wear skirts???

Of course you didn’t, because that’s not what they said.  They advised women in a particular Brooklyn neighborhood to make it less easy for the rapists on the loose to rape them by not wearing skirts or dresses (and, presumably, by wearing pants instead).

“Women in a Brooklyn neighborhood on edge over a spate of sex attacks are being told by police that wearing skirts and dresses might not be a good idea.

The surprising message from the NYPD is not being taken well.

‘I think that women should be able to wear whatever they want,’ said Theresa Troupson, a Park Slope resident. ‘I don’t think that they should be held responsible in any way for the actions of criminals.'”

Theresa Troupson, your mentality is one of many reasons I will never willingly live in Park Slope.  You ARE able to wear whatever you want, and you are allowed by law to wear just about anything, including skirts and dresses.

But there are fucking rapists on the loose, so you might want to make it a little harder for them to gain access, if you know what I’m saying, considering crossbows are probably illegal and your lack of a ranged weapon makes it difficult to keep him at a comfortable distance.  Oh, and maybe you should leave the heels home and wear cleats.  OH SORRY, those aren’t in style!  How could I suggest such a thing? (Actually, you know what’s a great type of shoe to bring to a sexual assault?  Stiletto heels.  If you suck at running, wear shoes you can use to impale your attacker.)

But wait- there’s more!

“Lauren, who did not want her last name used, told the the Wall Street Journal that she was walking down the street in shorts and a t-shirt after leaving the gym on Monday when she was stopped by an officer who also stopped two other women in dresses.

Lauren said the officer asked them if they knew what was happening in the area, and asked them if they knew what the suspect looked for.

‘He pointed at my outfit and said, Don’t you think your shorts are a little short?’ she told the Journal. ‘He pointed at their dresses and said they were showing a lot of skin.’

The officer also told them that ‘you’re exactly the kind of girl this guy is targeting,’ according to Lauren.”

You know what?  If he didn’t care, he wouldn’t say shit to you about your nearly (Actually? It is Brooklyn…) visible butt cheeks.

“A group called Safe Slope says the NYPD effort is ‘completely inappropriate.’

‘There have been reports that the women attacked were all wearing skirts,’ said Jessica Silk, a Safe Slope founder. ‘Unfortunately this might be a common link between the women that were attacked but the message shouldn’t be that you shouldn’t wear a skirt. The message should be that, Here are ways that you can protect yourself.'”

And why on Earth would the victims have that in common?  Apparently the rapist is LAZY.  DON’T MAKE IT EASY FOR HIM.  That’s one step toward protecting yourself in a state where you’re not allowed to carry a gun.

It sucks that there are assholes who see some skin and think a woman’s “asking for it.”  But it’s stupid not to admit there are violent misogynists who think that way.  And if you need to wear a skirt (for a wedding, because you’re Orthdox Jewish, etc.), carry pepper spray and put a (legal) knife in your (sneaker-soled for running) boot.  Don’t forget to take a self-defense class and practice the moves before lobbying for your Second Amendment rights!

Or you could organize another Slut Walk.  (The lack of a link there is intentional.)

One Response to “Whiny Little Girls Need to Shut Up and Take Up Jiu Jitsu”

  1. […] conservativewerewolf Grrrrrrrrrrumble. « Whiny Little Girls Need to Shut Up and Take Up Jiu Jitsu […]

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